You Are Worthy

You Are Worthy

✨Weekly Devotional✨
God fashioned you with His own hands, carefully knitting you together in the womb. You are not a product of chance; you are a deliberate creation, fearfully & wonderfully made. Every detail of your being, physical & spiritual, was crafted with love & purpose.

In moments of self-doubt, remember that the God who formed you knows your worth. He sees the beauty in your uniqueness, the potential within you, & the path set before you. Your life is not a random occurrence; it’s a part of His divine plan.

Embrace your uniqueness, believe in your abilities, & remember that God has a way of aligning you with those who recognize your value. Keep pushing forward, & the blessings you strive for will find their way to you. You are worthy of every happiness, success, & opportunity that comes your way. So, stand tall, stay confident, & let your brilliance shine!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
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